Sunday, July 30, 2017

ORA-01950 no privileges on tablespace issue while running OBIA rcu


ORA-39083: Object type TABLE:"DEV_BIACOMP"."C_BIEE_CURR_CODE_LKP" failed to create with error:

ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'DEV_BIACOMP'

Solution : From oracle support

On researching the knowledge base, Found one of our other customer also faced rcu failure while installing on Oracle 12c ( and following workaround resolved the issue.

Backup the following file:


Open the script biapps_create_user.sql, modify the line
CREATE USER &&1 identified by &&2 default tablespace &&3 temporary tablespace &&4;

CREATE USER &&1 identified by &&2 default tablespace &&3 temporary tablespace &&4 quota unlimited on &&3;


After the change, run rcu again.

OBIEE Customizing Skins and Styles on Windows

Updating bicustom.ear file
The bicustom-template.ear file contains a bicustom.war file. Web Archive (WAR) files are also ZIP files composed of a specific folder and file structure. You must update the bicustom.war file within the bicustom-template.ear file to include your custom skin files.

Copy bicustom-template.ear 
Extract / Copy bicustom-template.ear to bicustom.ear,  bicustom-template.ear  available in below path
  • <OBI_HOME> \Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\jee\
  • Extract bicustom.ear into the same path

Update the bicustom.ear file
  • Extract the bicustom.war file from bicustom.ear file
  • Extract the files from the bicustom.war file.
  • Edit the files to create your custom styles.

Replacing Oracle logo with customized logo:
To replace the oracle logo with the customized image, first save the customized image with same precision and name it as oracle_logo.png
Replace the customized image (oracle_logo.png) in the following path.

<OBIEE_HOME>\ Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\jee\bicustom\res\s_Custom\master

To modify the background color:
To change the background color in OBIEE edit master.css file
File path: <OBIEE_HOME>\ Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\jee\bicustom\res\s_Custom\master
  • Open the master.css file.
  • Scroll down and locate the class that you want to customize.
  • In the sample code, modify the .masterBrandingArea class. Also note that the code contains inline comments to identify that code section

  • Change the HTML background color value from #000000 to #115740 to change the color from black to green color.
  • Save the file
  • Now update the bicustom.war file with your changes.
  •  To update the file archive custom folder into or bicustom.7z

  •         Then change the file extension from .7z/ .zip to .war (web archive)
  •      Similarly update the bicustom.ear file with your new bicustom.war file by using zip
          Deploying the bicustom.ear file

          Login to Oracle Weblogic Server Administration Console   

      Click Lock & Edit.
Click Deployments in the Domain structure region

Click on Deployments

Click on Install

Give the path to bicustom.ear file as below

Select the bicustom.ear file and click next

Select install this deployment as an application and click next

Select bi_cluster as a target and click next

Select I will make the deployment accessible from the following location

Click on finish
Click save and then activate changes

Now go to the deployments again and start the newly creates application 

Modify the instanceconfig.xml file UI tag under <OBIEE_HOME>\instances\instance1\config\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1 as below

Save and close the file and restart the bi presentation component

Now login to analytics page and check for the new custom page

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Steps for executing a batch file script from odi studio

1. Open odi studio and connect to it

2. Navigate to designer

3. Create a new project

4. Give a name for the project and click save

Here I saved the project with name "test"

5. Expand newly created project - expand first folder - right click on packages and click new package

6. Give the package name and click on diagram

7. Select os command and click on right side

8. Click on free choice
9. Type the command you want to execute in text of your command box
"  CMD /C C:\Users\biapps\Desktop\test\test.bat "

10. Click execute

Click yes

Click ok

Click ok and go to the operator and check the status

Script executed successfully

ODI version history

Oracle Data Integrator History about all Version Releases

Oracle acquired sunopsis and released ODI 10G in October 2006

Find the version release history below:

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Command to change the time stamp of all the files in a directory in linux

We can change the time stamp of all the files in a directory with a simple command

For example below screen shot contains a directory with two files of different date

Syntax for changing the time stamp of files in a directory

$ find "PATH-TO-THE-FILES-DIRECTORY" -exec touch -t YYYYMMDDhhmm {} \;

See in the above screen time stamp of the files changed to the date we mentioned in the screen

Installing Apache Maven

Download the latest version from the  Apache Maven site

Select the Maven binary tar.gz file, and extract the archive to your desired location

Add the maven paths in .bashrc file as below

Save and close the file

Execute the .bashrc file and check for maven version

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