Installing Python:
Download and install the python as below
Click on Install Now
Wait until the setup progress got finished
Click on disable path length limit
Checking for the python:
For some reason downloading the PSM is hidden away and not easy to find
we need to login to your Oracle Cloud service,
go to the service console screen,
then click on the drop down arrow against your user name in the top right of the screen ,
select ‘Help’ and then ‘Download Center’
Click on download
Installing psm:
Open the command prompt and install psm as below
Configuring psm:
Provide username, password, identity domain, region,
output format and use oauth details and
click enter
It displays the list of available services as above.
Psm commands for Oracle analytics cloud
List all Oracle Analytics Cloud instances
psm analytics services
Psm command to see the details of service
psm analytics service -s OACDEV