Sunday, October 15, 2017

Installing HBase


1. Java

2. Hadoop

Installing HBase in Standalone Mode

Configuring HBase in Standalone Mode

Modify file under /u01/hadoop/hbase-1.2.6/conf as below

save and close the file

Modify hbase-site.xml under /u01/hadoop/hbase-1.2.6/conf as below

Starting HBase

Installing HBase in Pseudo-Distributed Mode


Note: Stop HBase if it is running

Modify hbase-site.xml under /u01/hadoop/hbase-1.2.6/conf as below

Starting HBase

Checking the HBase Directory in HDFS

Starting and Stopping a Master

Using the “” you can start up to 10 servers. Open the home folder of HBase, master and execute the following command to start it.

Stopping Master

Starting and Stopping RegionServers

We can run multiple region servers from a single system using the following command.

Starting RegionServers

Stopping RegionServers

Starting HBase shell

HBase shell general commands


It will give the list of all the tables in HBase


This command returns the status of the system including the details of the servers running on the system.


This command returns the version of HBase used in your system


This command guides you what and how to use table-referenced commands.


This command returns the user details of HBase

Creating a Table using HBase Shell

We can create a table using the create command, here you must specify the table name and the Column Family name.

Syntax : create ‘<table name>’,’<column family>’ 

HBase Web Interface


This interface lists your currently running Region servers, backup masters and HBase tables.

Setting Environment variables

Add HBase home and paths in .bashrc file under /home/hadoop as below

Execute the .bashrc file as below

Spark Streaming and Kafka


1. Java

2. Start zookeeper server

3. Start kafka and create a new topic

Creating new topic

Test communication between Kafka and Spark

Run Kafka producer in a new screen

Run Spark’s KafkaWordCount in a new screen

Step by step Installing Apache Oozie in Hadoop single node


1. Java jdk 1.6+

2. Maven 3.3.9

3. Hadoop 2.x

Installing Oozie 4.3.0

Setting the environment variables:

Save and close the file

Running Oozie Build
Modify the pom.xml under /u01/hadoop/oozie-4.3.0 as below

Now run the below command

Oozie server setup
Add or modify hadoop core-site.xml under /u01/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.2/etc/hadoop as below

Create a libext folder under the oozie directory

Move downloaded to libext folder

Copy Hadoop libraries into libext folder of oozie

Preparing war file

Creating Oozie Sharelib

Copy the hadoop core-site.xml file properties to core-site.xml file in /u01/hadoop/oozie-4.3.0/distro/target/oozie-4.3.0-distro/oozie-4.3.0/conf/hadoop-conf 

Copy mapred-site.xml and yarn-site.xml files to /u01/hadoop/oozie-4.3.0/distro/target/oozie-4.3.0-distro/oozie-4.3.0/conf/hadoop-conf

Add or modify oozie-site.xml file under /u01/hadoop/oozie-4.3.0/distro/target/oozie-4.3.0-distro/oozie-4.3.0/conf as below

Now run the below command

Creating Oozie database

Setting environment variables for Oozie

Starting Oozie daemon
Run the below command to start Oozie daemon

Run the below command to run as a process

Setting up client node for Oozie

Starting Oozie client node

Oozie web console url

Checking the status of the Oozie process

Checking the what sharelib is being used by oozie while the daemon is running

Running the example Oozie jobs and testing the installation

We see different example folders such as pig,hive,mapreduce etc..,
Taking mapreduce to explain below steps. 
In the files of each folder, change the name node port and job tracker port as below

save and close the file
Copying the examples folder to hdfs

Run the below command to check the status of the job

To check the log run the below command

Informatica client tool certification matrix

Please find the informatica client tool certification matrix below:

Informatica supported browsers list

Please find the list of browsers supported by informatica below:

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