Saturday, August 25, 2018
Sql query for calculating the size of the current database, schema and tables
The size of the database is the space the files physically consume on disk.
Below is the query to get the size:
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 size_in_mb from dba_data_files;
We can get the total space used with the below query:
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 size_in_mb from dba_segments;
We can get the space used by individual schema with the below query:
select owner, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 Size_MB from dba_segments group by owner;
SQL query to check table size in Oracle database:
SELECT segment_name, segment_type, bytes/1024/1024 MB
FROM user_segments WHERE segment_type='TABLE' AND
segment_name='Your Table Name';
SQL query to get top 10 tables by size in Oracle database:
select * from (select owner, segment_name, bytes/1024/1024
MB from dba_segments where
segment_type = 'TABLE' order by bytes/1024/1024 desc) where
rownum <= 10;
Exporting and importing dmp file in oracle database 12c
Exporting dmp file
Exporting dmp file of a schema using system user:
expdp system/Admin123@pdborcl schemas=HR directory=DPUMP_DIR dumpfile=hr.dmp logfile=expdpHR.log
Creating a directory object for oracle dump:
SQL> CREATE or REPLACE DIRECTORY dpump_dir as ' C:\app\BIASADMIN\oradata\orcl\pdborcl’;
To enable user hr to have access to these directory objects, you would assign the necessary privileges, for example:
Use the following Data Pump Export command
Exporting dmp file of a schema using itself:
expdp hr/hr@pdborcl directory=DPUMP_DIR dumpfile=HR1.dmp logfile=HR1.log full=yes
Importing dmp file
Importing dmp file of a schema using system user:
impdp system/Admin123@pdborcl schemas=HR directory=DPUMP_DIR dumpfile=HR.dmp logfile=impdpHR.log
Importing dmp file of a schema using itself:
impdp hr/hr@pdborcl directory=DPUMP_DIR dumpfile=HR2.dmp logfile=HR2.log
Error: Cannot delete Process Group because it contains 1 Templates Apache Nifi HDF
Node is unable to fulfill this request due to: Cannot delete Process Group because it contains 1 Templates. The Templates must be deleted first.
Templates, when created, are not inherently made available to all users.
They are tightly coupled to the authorization policies of the process group they are created in.
Since these templates are coupled in this way to a particular process group, that process group cannot be deleted until those associated templates are removed.
Removing the template:
Go to templates as shown in the below screen.
Before removing the template, backup the template by downloading it
Now click on remove template to remove
Click on yes to delete the template
Like this remove all the templates with same “Process Group Id”
Close the Nifi templates page and try to delete the
processor group now
Altering user password in oracle analytics cloud database
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-65048: error encountered when processing the current DDL
statement in
pluggable database OACDEVPDB1
ORA-01918: user 'USER1' does not exist
Enable oracle script as below
Sql> alter session set “_ORACLE_SCRIPT”=true;
Disable oracle script:
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Installing Python:
Download and install the python as below
Click on Install Now
Wait until the setup progress got finished
Click on disable path length limit
Checking for the python:
For some reason downloading the PSM is hidden away and not easy to find
we need to login to your Oracle Cloud service,
go to the service console screen,
then click on the drop down arrow against your user name in the top right of the screen ,
select ‘Help’ and then ‘Download Center’
Click on download
Installing psm:
Open the command prompt and install psm as below
Configuring psm:
Provide username, password, identity domain, region,
output format and use oauth details and
click enter
It displays the list of available services as above.
Psm commands for Oracle analytics cloud
List all Oracle Analytics Cloud instances
psm analytics services
Psm command to see the details of service
psm analytics service -s OACDEV
Steps for uploading rpd in Oracle Analytics Cloud
Login to https://localhost/dv
Go to console
Click on Snapshot
Click on replace the data model
Browse the rpd and provide the password and click ok
After getting successful upload message,
Login to the analytics page.
Under Administration tab click on reload files and metadata.
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