When try to start the mysql database getting the below error:
"MySQL Daemon failed to start"
Try with the command mysql as below and check for the error
Here we get the error " Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' "
To resolve this error check the my.conf file under /etc folder
Here in my case bind address is different from my host ip address so I changed it to my host ip address and tried to start mysql again
"MySQL Daemon failed to start"
Try with the command mysql as below and check for the error
Here we get the error " Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' "
To resolve this error check the my.conf file under /etc folder
Here in my case bind address is different from my host ip address so I changed it to my host ip address and tried to start mysql again