We cannot upload the rpd with large size through EM console in OBIEE 11g.
We will get the below error while trying to upload rpd with large size
We can upload the large sized rpd manually.
Note : Copy the large size rpd (Ex: test.rpd ) to rpd file location on obiee server
Steps for uploading rpd manually:
1. Login to weblogic em console through url (http://localhost:7001/em)
2. On the left pane expand “Weblogic Domain” >bifoundation_domain>bi_cluster. Click on bi_server1 and then in the right pane, click on WebLogic Server drop down list and choose “System MBean Browser”
3. Expand “Application Defined MBeans” >oracle.biee.admin> Domain: bifoundation_domain>BIDomain> and select the ‘BIDomain’
4. Go to the Operations Tab in the far right pane. Click on “Lock” and then !Invoke” button.
5. Navigate to BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration> select BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration
6. Navigate to the ‘Operations’ Tab from the far right pane and click on “uploadRepository”
Rpd file path :
Password : Admin123
7. Click “Invoke"
8. “Lock” on the domain needs to be released. To release the lock, Navigate back to BIDomain> Operations and click on “Commit” and then click on “Invoke”
9. Restart the BI Server (OPMN Services) from EM
Thanks !